The Akashic Records are a fabulous tool to assist you in gaining a new perspective on life purpose. Accessing the guidance and wisdom of your masters, teachers, and loves can be very beneficial in helping you determine what life plan is right for you. What does it take to have a meaningful life? Money? Love? Adventure? It’s up to you to decide what will give your life meaning.  You have free will to choose what is most important and meaningful to you. This is great news! You get to create your own reality. You have the potential to create the life and the future that you desire.

In my office, I have a huge vision board that I assembled during the COVID pandemic. I now keep it in the corner of my office. Looking at it daily keeps my mind in focus and alignment with what I am wanting to attract and create in my life. I have also done a vision board for my coaching business. This can be a great motivator for your WHY? This keeps me focused on my life purpose and why I chose to become a Spiritual Life, Divorce Coach, and healer.

While it’s an individual decision, there are a few common starting points. Real individuality comes from how you choose to apply them.

Consider these crucial aspects of life to create a fulfilling life that has meaning:

1. Evolution. It’s a little sad when someone reaches the pinnacle of their life at 35 and coasts to the end. To have a meaningful life, it’s important to grow and evolve. Otherwise, you’ll feel as if you’ve wasted your life away. You’ll wonder what you could have accomplished with a little more time and attention.

    • How have you changed over the last 10 years? What do you know now that you didn’t know then? What can you do now that you couldn’t do then? What new skills have you developed?

2. Purpose Everyone needs a life purpose. We have all heard the story of someone that died shortly after retiring. Studies have shown that even something as simple as taking care of a plant extends the lifespan of those living in nursing homes. Fortunately, you can have a purpose without having to go to work for the rest of your life! Maybe your purpose is to help and spread love to your family, friends, and all the people you attract into your life.

    • Volunteering is an effortless way to make a meaningful contribution that can make life worth living.
    • You just need someone or something to serve. What is important to you? How can you contribute in a way that you believe is meaningful? What difference and legacy would you like to create?

3. Belonging to a group. It can be a large family, an extensive network of friends, a church, where you work, a club of some sort, or any other type of organization. We all need to belong to a group and to be accepted by the other members of that group.

    • Where is your tribe? Without a group, we tend to feel ignored and unappreciated.
    • If you don’t have a tribe to call your own, go out and find one. You could even start your own.

4. A meaningful past. Over time, we all develop a past. One of the worst outcomes of a long life is to look back on the past with regret. A past of squandered opportunities is sure to make you cringe when you look back on your life. We all want to have a remarkable story to tell and share.

    • What kind of story will you have? What stories do you have to share right now?
    • How have you lived the last ten years? How will you live in the next ten? Value experiences and relationships over possessions. Our society is perhaps the most materialistic on Earth. Our society also doesn’t rank anywhere near the top for happiness. That’s a strong clue that possessions aren’t all that meaningful.
    • How much enjoyment have you gotten from purchasing something expensive? How long did that enjoyment last? Did it give your life meaning?
    • Ensure that you’re spending enough time on accumulating experiences and meaningful relationships. The Ferrari will mean less to you than you think especially as you grow older.

What is meaningful to you? How do you need to live to believe your life is meaningful? In what ways do you need to grow and contribute to feeling that your time on Earth has meaning?

5. You can choose what will give your life meaning. It’s entirely in your hands, but it’s important to make a conscious choice.  If you are unsure or confused about what your life purpose and mission is a few akashic readings can help you gain clarity and discover your life path for this lifetime.

Interested in Spiritual Coaching? Let’s get started! 

Leslie Welch

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